
Nyotech offers a variety of consultation services from exploring your early stage concept to improving your existing product

Exploring concept's Viability

Basic questions you should explore before even attempting to go further
  • Does the concept have enough added value?
  • Is the concept technologically feasible?
  • Can the concept scale and grow?
  • Is it possible or wise to develop that concept under certain budget and time limitations?

Research concept

Things you should research and get facts backed up by reputable source
  • Are there any other similar projects on the market and are they profitable?
  • Does this concept have a big enough market?
  • Who are you competing with?
  • How many clients/sales do you need

Technology consultation

Things you should outline before starting development
  • Are there any open-source projects you can incorporate.
  • Outlining top-level architecture (Network\Microservices\Monolithic) to best fit the the project.
  • Choosing languages\frameworks and libraries to suit your needs and personnel.
  • Write a detailed plan of your project's architecture.

Business Plan

Things you should plan and write down when you are ready
  • Timeline and projections
  • How are you making money?
  • How long before you can start generating profit?
For consultation regarding improving and optimizing an existing project see our Scale and Streamline section
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